Add add to desktop button in settings plzzz

add add to desktop button in settings plzzz

What to you wan to put to the desktop? You can always add something to the desktop by creating a Desktop Entry file and putting it into the proper location. For example, to add a Link to a Text file to the Desktop.

  1. Create a new File with the following content (adopt it to your need)
[Desktop Entry]
Name=ToDo List
Comment=My personal ToDo List
Exec=gedit ~/todo.txt
  1. Save it to ~/.local/share/applications/ToDo.desktop
  2. Open a Terminal and type:
gio set ~/.local/share/applications/ToDo.desktop metadata::trusted yes
  1. Click the Icon :slight_smile:


is not on the desktop is in the sarch bar

În lun., 2 nov. 2020 la 09:19, egrath via Endless Community a scris:

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