Admin account password

Is there anybody that can help with @Josza problem? I got exactly the same… no more Admin user active because I wanted to reset the pc, only the Shared user that doesn’t have the power to do nothing… how can I reset the pc only with this user???

The problem is not that I forgot the password. The problem is that I cancel the initial account I set up the first time (the administrator user) in order to reset the pc. And the reset canceled the administrator account but not the Shared user with limited power. So now I want to complete the reset and this kind of user doesn’t allow

@wjt @ramcq Could help?

Can you explain what you mean by “cancel the initial account” and “reset”? How did you delete the administrator account? It is not meant to be possible to delete the only administrator account, or turn it into a standard user, through the Settings app.

You can use the last set of instructions from the link @LeandroStanger gave you. Follow the instructions under “If you don’t have any way to make a bootable USB stick (advanced users only)”, but instead of steps 8, 9 and 10, run deluser --remove-all-files shared.

I followed these instructions:
Please follow this process in order to reset to factory mode:

Go to terminal, you can write “terminal” on the search area that is located on the desktop
Write sudo -s
Write your password and press enter. Consider that nothing will be shown while you are typing
Write passwd and press enter
Write the new password and press enter. Consider that nothing will be shown while you are typing
Confirm the password and press enter. Consider that nothing will be shown while you are typing
Write exit and press enter
Write exit again and then press enter
Reboot the computer
When you get to the user selection, press Ctrl+alt+F2
Write root and press enter
Write the password that you introduced on step 7 and press enter
Write the commands ls /home this will show the name of users that you have and that you will need in the next step
Write userdel -r username, where username is one of the users’ names that you get in step 13th. Repeat this step until you have erased all the users that you have
Confirm that you have deleted all accounts by writing ls /home then press Enter
Type passwd -l root and press Enter
Turn off the computer by typing shutdown -h now
Turn on the computer: you should see the “Welcome to Endless” screen

So I correctly delete the Administrator user, but not the Shared used. And now the pc only has Shared user.

Okay. If you ran the passwd -l root command at the end of those instructions, then you will need to follow the last set of instructions in . You could reset the root password, and then go back to the instructions in to delete the remaining users. Or:

Follow the instructions under “If you don’t have any way to make a bootable USB stick (advanced users only)”, but instead of steps 8, 9 and 10, run deluser --remove-all-files shared.

By the way, we’re working on improving the process of deleting all users on the system. We’ll need to take this issue into account, and make sure the new tool deletes the administrator users last, not first.

thanks a lot !! It’s done!!

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