Aplicativos não abrem

Meu Notebook deu tela preta e quando voltou os nenhum aplicativo abre,apenas configurações. Já reiniciei várias vezes e continua oque pode ser?

Algo que nos ajudaria bastante a entender o problema seria o seguinte:

  1. Abra o aplicativo chamado ‘Terminal
  2. Neste aplicativo execute o comando:


  1. O comando acima irá criar um arquivo com as informações do seu sistema (exemplo: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC+0100.txt); Nos envie esse arquivo para que possamos analisar e ver uma possível solução

In case you don’t see the application ‘Terminal’: Press Alt-F2 and then enter ‘gnome-terminal’ to run the application in question.


Now, with the Terminal window open, please proceed as outlined by Leandro.

O arquivo não baixa

Thank you, the shown message above indicates a possible cause for your issue - the filesystem used to store the data on your computer somehow got corrupted and is no longer writeable (read-only). This can happen for two possible reasons:

  1. Your computer unexpectedly shut down during a critical write operation, or
  2. A hardware fault

Let’s first assume that (1) was the case, so please follow the instructions in the following thread:

The steps outline the procedure on how to boot your computer into a special mode where recovery attempts can be made. Please follow them closely and report back if they worked out.

Não consegui entrar em bootloader, segui os passos mas não teve nenhuma reação

Power on your computer, then press ESC at intervals of about 1 second until the Bootloader shows up. As this procedure depends on some very specific timings, it may take a few attempts to do so.

If that absolutely does not work for your, chances are that you need to plug a external keyboard in (if you have one). Please let us know about any progress in this.

Não deu certo, e não tenho o teclado. Oque devo fazer?

I worked out a procedure which will try to repair your damaged filesystem if possible. To do so, start your computer, then open ‘Terminal’ and enter to following command exactly as given:

sudo fsck -a -y $(blkid --label ostree)

Please report any errors thrown by the above command.

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