Como faço para parar que os apps se instalem sozinhos? Do nada apareceu todos instalados na minha máquina. Tive que sair desinstalando todos.
Outra coisa… tem dois apps que não consigo desinstalar, um chamado HACK e outro SIDETRACK. Quando coloco em desinstalar ele fecha a janela da Central de Aplicativos sozinho e não desinstala.
Algo que nos ajudaria bastante a entender o problema seria o seguinte:
Abra o aplicativo chamado ‘Terminal’
Neste aplicativo execute o comando:
O comando acima irá criar um arquivo com as informações do seu sistema (exemplo: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC+0100.txt); Nos envie esse arquivo para que possamos analisar e ver uma possível solução
Fiz isso e agora não consigo entrar no meu login. Quando coloco a senha ele volta para a página de perfil para pedir a senha novamente e fica nesse looping. Só consigo entrar pela conta compartilhada. E agora?
I reset it. I made my password and when I went to the page everything was black. And there was no option to restart. just hang up. I hung up, called again and the login screen appeared. When I enter the password, the screen goes black and I go back to the login page again.
Deus, dai-me paciência e me tira essa vontade de jogar o computador pela janela. Amém! Resetei, fiz um novo login e a senha não entra, fica em looping agora, volta sempre para a tela de usuários quando coloco a senha. Entro pela conta compartilhada e todos os programas de antes ainda estão aqui.
Just to be sure - as soon as you log in with your normal (not shared) user, you get only your Wallpaper with the Bar on the bottom, but no icons or anything else?
OK. I assume that something went wrong during the factory reset as everything in the user directories should be removed normally.
So take a seat, we will try to fix your personal user and grant admin access again
Press Shift (or ESC, depending on your system) during boot to enter the Boot menu
Press e to edit the entry named “Endless OS” (it’s already selected as the current one)
Append init=/bin/sh to the line starting with “linux”
Boot by pressing Ctrl-X. If after about 20 seconds you still see the Endless Logo, press the ESC-Key
Enter mount -o rw,remount /
Enter cat /etc/passwd to view a list of users defined in the system - remember yours, you will recognize them as your full name is in the line. The username is the first word on the line before :
Enter passwd USERNAME (replace USERNAME with yours from (6)) and enter a new Password. Use a simple one with no localized characters, something like 123
Enter usermod -G sudo -a USERNAME (replace USERNAME again)
Enter rm -Rf /home/USERNAME/* (replace USERNAME again)
Enter rm -Rf /home/USERNAME/.* (replace USERNAME again)
Enter mount -o remount,ro /
Enter sync
Now Power-Cycle your Computer (Hold the power button for a few seconds until it turns off, then turn on again)
Good luck. Please double check every command above as the procedure can have serious impact and in the worst case lead to an unusable computer, which needs to be reinstalled completely.
Especially step (6) can be a little bit confusing, so here’s a screenshot of my system which shows my username: