Bluetooth missing after upgrade

Can you please post the output of:

bluetoothctl show

This should display something like:

Controller 00:1B:DC:06:A7:A1 (public)
	Name: omikron
	Alias: omikron
	Class: 0x00000104
	Powered: yes
	Discoverable: no
	Pairable: yes
	UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	UUID: Generic Access Profile    (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	UUID: PnP Information           (00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	UUID: A/V Remote Control Target (0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	UUID: A/V Remote Control        (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	Modalias: usb:v1D6Bp0246d0532
	Discovering: no

If something like this is display, please try to pair something on the commandline with:

  1. Run bluetoothctl
  2. Now type agent on (confirm with Enter)
  3. Put the device to pair in pairing mode (i use a mouse in my example)
  4. Now type scan on (confirm with Enter)
  5. Something like the following should be displayed:
[CHG] Controller 00:1B:DC:06:A7:A1 Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device 59:37:24:9B:A2:98 59-37-24-9B-A2-98
[NEW] Device ED:8E:0E:D7:1C:E2 RAPOO BleMouse
[NEW] Device ED:8E:0E:79:1B:E2 RAPOO BleMouse
  1. Type pair ED:8E:0E:D7:1C:E2 (replace the Hexadecimal string with the identifier of your device)
  2. Type trust ED:8E:0E:D7:1C:E2
  3. Type connect ED:8E:0E:D7:1C:E2. Now something like
[CHG] Device ED:8E:0E:D7:1C:E2 Connected: yes

should be displayed and the device should work.
9. Exit with exit