I just install EOS on my Asus ROG GL552VX laptop, and a custom build desktop.
Custom PC : everythings seems to work fine (1 SSD, intergrated graphic AMD A10-6790k, 8GB Ram)
Laptop : Intel HD + Nvidia 950m graphic, 1 SSD + 1 HDD.
Install along side windows, thing works fine except i can not shutdown, anytime i press shutdown, my laptop hangs.
If i format, only the OS drive is usable, i can not see my 2nd drive. And both case, have to hit hotkey to call up boot menu
De todos modos, algo que nos ayudaría mucho a entender el problema sería la siguiente:
Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando: eos-diagnostics
El comando anterior creará un archivo con la información del sistema (por ejemplo EOS-diagnóstico-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Envíenos este archivo para que podamos analizar y ver una posible solución
What do you see on-screen when it hangs? Do you see the Endless logo in the centre of the screen? If so, can you hit Escape – this should hide the splash and show debug messages from the shutdown process. There’s at least one known issue where CUPS takes 90s to stop, which makes the shutdown process appear to hang.
In Documents, the second drive should be visible under the Other Locations tab in the sidebar.
Do you have to use the boot menu to select which drive to boot from?
Hello ,
I will tell you the truth. actually your problem is related to your graphic card(nvidia) which causes some background conflicts during the rebooting process ,
I encountered the same problem when I installed Parrot OS and like you, I was impressed by the design and so though the hangs I kept looking
for the source , and in most of the reports I noticed that the specifications were common on the graphic card and also someone did a post on it in
the kali community but it was quite long for me, but once I saw “nvidia card” I concluded that this was the cause , lets stop the story and lets look at what to do :
update your nvidia driver on Parrot OS using the terminal , normaly the command depends on your graphic card’s category
your gcard being a recent Geforce , use
“sudo apt update” then
"sudo apt install nvidia-driver "
I will leave the link for those having different specifications ; https://docs.parrotsec.org/doku.php/nvidia-drivers
edit your boot timeout file , when I opened the file I notice that my shutdown watch dog was set to 10 min so thats why your pc reacted only after 15 min , you have to edit it by uncommenting it rminal
so in your terminal access the file
“sudo -H nano /etc/systemd/system.conf” change the line
“#ShutdownWatchdogSec=10min” to
“ShutdownWatchdogSec=Xs” where X is a value you will choose , I advice you not to set it too low ,else you can have some problems , 30s will be ok
Save the file and close it normaly
Thats the end of your trouble now you can restart and shutdown your OS as you can
I hoped am not comming to late and that you have left aside the OS which is quite rich