Cannot adjust sound ASUS ZenBook 14

Hi, Thank you for accepting me in this community.

Just purchased a new laptop ASUS ZenBook 14 U431 with Endless OS. I’ve used RedHat 15 years ago, and many thinking changed, so my skill level it’s not so great.

My issue is that I cannot adjust sound level on this laptop, I can Mute the sound but level change doesn’t make any difference.

Any advice is welcomed. I’ve looked for alternative solutions (like PulseAudio adjustment, but its not making any difference).


Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

eos-diagnostic-191111_135358_UTC 0200.txt (841.5 KB)
Thanks, as attached.

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