Codes for terminal

what are the codes for terminal and how do i set path on endless?


@LeandroStanger I don’t think @Viren was asking about apt, necessarily.

@Viren the Terminal in Endless OS is a regular Linux terminal. I searched “linux set path” on Duck Duck Go and the results seemed helpful. Are there particular commands you’re looking for?

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I dont know what you mean by ‘codes’ … but, for the terminal, you can just time ‘terminal’ and launch it.
While in the terninal, to configure PATH, you can just set PATH variable at .bashrc file, lite this:

export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

this command adds a folder ‘bin’, in your home directory, to the path.
That will only work inside the terminal.
I dont think the global path can be changed, as the system path is read only
I hope this helps you

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thank you for your help

thank you for helping. i tried using sude apt get-install and sudo at get-update but it didnt work.any remedy or that?

oh! okay got that. thanks @LeandroStanger @wjt