Endless 3.3.3 crash dopo aggiornamento di ieri

Bug Report : Lentissimo e vari errori hardware.

OS Version: 3.3.3

== Description: == Ho acquistato verso il 20 maggio un ASUS con installazione ENDLESS 3.3.3 . SONO ITALIANO. Non capisco quasi niente di hardware, software ecc…, so soltanto che ieri il mio notebook ha fatto un aggiornamento ed è diventato lentissimo sia nell’aprirsi, sia nell’aprire le pagine di giochi facebook e vedo all’apertura che ci sono vari errori Hardware. Cosa mi consigliate di fare?

== Steps to Reproduce: ==

== Expected Results: ==

== Actual Results: ==

== Logs: ==

Run eos-diagnostics to generate a log file in your Home directory. Attach that file here.

Endless OS Diagnostics file saved as:
Please send that file (not this message!) to the Endless Community or Support.
(org.gnome.Nautilus:11702): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 14:43:13.331: …/…/…/gobject/gsignal.c:2423: signal ‘can-accept-item’ is invalid for instance ‘0x55a8d40d4150’ of type ‘NautilusCanvasViewContainer’

== Screenshots: ==

You can the PrtSc on your keyboard to take screenshots, or open the Screenshot app to take them, then attach them here

Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution
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Upgrade to Endless OS 3.6.0

Settings :arrow_right: Details :arrow_right: Look for updates

You will upgrade to Endless OS 3.3.19. Repeat the same procedure to upgrade to Endless OS 3.6.0

Please send that file (not this message!) to the Endless Community or Support.
(org.gnome.Nautilus:11702): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 14:43:13.331: …/…/…/gobject/gsignal.c:2423: signal ‘can-accept-item’ is invalid for instance ‘0x55a8d40d4150’ of type ‘NautilusCanvasViewContainer’

Scusa la mia ignoranza … ma non trovo assolutamente nulla di uguale a quello che mi hai inviato. Non so dove andare a cercarle quelle immagini che hai inviato. Io non ce l’ho sul mio computer. Poi è talmente veloce che non vedo nulla.

Come puoi vedere non c’è la possibilità di aggiornare la versione 3.6, quindi credo si debba eliminare o scaricare da qualche altra parte. Da terminale per esempio si può?? Grazie per l’interesse che mi state dando. Ma sono completamente all’oscuro di computer.

eos-diagnostic-190521_214557_UTC 0200.txt (350,6 KB)

@mwleeds could help?

Leandro Stanger…dimmi cosa devo fare. Devo riformulare il mio problema? a mwleeds??

Io ho inviato la mia diagnostica.

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:

eos-updater-ctl update

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alberto@endless:~$ eos-updater-ctl…sta facendo ma è fermo qui

Alle 22,40 ho spento perché in 7 ore il terminale non è andato avanti.

Good morning. From terminal I managed to give the command “eos-updater-ctl update” … this is the result. Can you help me please?

@wjt Could help? :endless:

(Sorry, I don’t speak Italian, but I’ll do my best with Google Translate.)

The screenshot in this comment show that you are using Endless OS 3.6.0, the latest release. However, the diagnostic file was generated with Endless OS 3.3.3.

Please run eos-diagnostics again, and attach the new file it creates here. The date is in the filename – the one you attached has “190521” in the name, which means 21st May (month 05) 2019.

From your original message, through Google Translate

I only know that yesterday my notebook made an update and it became very slow both in opening, and in opening the pages of facebook games and I see at the opening that there are various errors Hardware.

Please help me to understand what you’re seeing:

  • If error messages are shown when the computer starts up, can you record a video on your phone, and post it here?
  • How long does the computer take to start up?
  • Are all web pages slow to open, or just certain pages? How long do they take to open?

eos-diagnostic-190521_214557_UTC 0200.txt (350,6 KB)

Grazie tante @wjt per l’interessamento (thanks so much @wjt for the concern)

    • The video is too big to be attached here (21.4 megs);
    • From start to finished loading minutes 1.34 also 1.32;

This diagnostic file shows you are indeed still on Endless OS 3.3.3. It also shows these error from the updater:

= OSTree status =
* eos ec1651356f0bd1c5bd0e41077af4054dfd625cd1cc333738c9bbbe2be0c49b54.0
    origin refspec: eos:os/eos/nexthw/eos3.3
    GPG: Signature made lun 13 nov 2017 09:01:09 CET using RSA key ID 9E08D8DABA02FC46
    GPG: BAD signature from "EOS OSTree Signing Key 1 <maintainers@endlessm.com>"
    GPG: Signature made lun 13 nov 2017 09:08:13 CET using RSA key ID 9E08D8DABA02FC46
    GPG: BAD signature from "EOS OSTree Signing Key 1 <maintainers@endlessm.com>"
    GPG: Signature made lun 13 nov 2017 09:08:13 CET using RSA key ID 9E08D8DABA02FC46
    GPG: BAD signature from "EOS OSTree Signing Key 1 <maintainers@endlessm.com>"


mag 21 21:38:25 endless eos-updater[1323]: Changing to state Polling
mag 21 21:38:25 endless eos-updater[1323]: Using product branch os/eos/nexthw/eos3.3
mag 21 21:38:25 endless eos-updater[1323]: Error polling for updates using libostree P2P code; falling back to old code: No collection ID set for currently booted deployment.
mag 21 21:38:25 endless eos-updater[1323]: Using product branch os/eos/nexthw/eos3.3
mag 21 21:38:26 endless eos-updater[1323]: libostree HTTP error from remote eos for <https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-amd64/objects/ae/1dd429f8e4f726953b0000db2b8fe5b54f6a8bff41138759cfebdd6a1afb2e.sizes2>: Server returned status 404: Not Found
mag 21 21:38:31 endless eos-updater[1323]: Failed to poll metadata from source main: Commit ae1dd429f8e4f726953b0000db2b8fe5b54f6a8bff41138759cfebdd6a1afb2e: GPG signatures found, but none are in trusted keyring
mag 21 21:38:31 endless eos-updater[1323]: Changing to state Ready

We had some GPG signature issues recently, but I’ve checked this commit on my machine and it’s been re-signed with another key.

Please open the “Terminale” application, run this command (use copy and paste), then copy the output here:

pkexec ostree pull --commit-metadata-only eos:os/eos/nexthw/eos3.3

Please also run the following commands and copy the output here:

ls -l /ostree/repo/ /usr/share/ostree/trusted.gpg.d/
cat /ostree/repo/config