Endless OS no meu notebook sumiu

Quando ligo meu notebook não aparece mais a opção de iniciar com Endless. Inicia direto com Windows 10. Alguém pode me ajudar?

I think, somehow during a Windows Update your Boot environment got corrupted. Can you please boot into Windows, then open a elevated command prompt (right click on “Command Prompt”, then select “Run as Administrator”). Then run:

mountvol X: /s
dir X:\*.efi /S

Can you then please post the output here - this way we know if the boot loader for EOS are still on the EFI system partition. After that we can work out the next steps.

C:\Windows\system32>dir X:*.efi /s
O volume na unidade X não tem nome.
O Número de Série do Volume é 2E05-6B3E

Pasta de X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot

10/09/2020 22:27 1.349.448 memtest.efi
10/12/2020 20:22 1.558.344 bootmgfw.efi
10/12/2020 20:22 1.541.960 bootmgr.efi
3 arquivo(s) 4.449.752 bytes

Pasta de X:\EFI\Boot

10/12/2020 20:22 1.558.344 bootx64.efi
1 arquivo(s) 1.558.344 bytes

Pasta de X:\EFI\Endless

09/06/2020 22:20 5.443.584 bootia32.efi
09/06/2020 22:20 1.194.136 BOOTX64.EFI
09/06/2020 22:20 6.576.400 grubx64.efi
09/06/2020 22:20 1.154.792 mmx64.efi
4 arquivo(s) 14.368.912 bytes

Thanks, whats the next step

In a elevated Command Prompt, execute the following command:

bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\Endless\BOOTX64.EFI

This will set the Bootloader to the one originally installed by the Endless OS installer, which will present you with the choice of either booting Windows or EOS.

Yes, it worked! You are the man. Thank you very much!!!

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