EndlessOS doesn't recognize files from SlaveOS

i’m trying to install WINE and Lutris using SlaveOS with portage on endlessOS, but any file created by SlaveOS is not recognized on host OS (endless) why?

Is this some security feature or do i need to invoke something for it to recheck it’s data?

From version 3.0 on, Endless OS started adopting Flatpak, a new application distribution system

flatpak is not sufficient, i’m using portage (Gentoo package manager) on EndlessOS to install wine and lutris…

Again the issue is that files/dirs created by slave OS are not visible on Host OS (EndlessOS)… suspect that it’s endlessOS specific.

EDIT: are present, but not visible by endlessOS

EDIT2: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/366987951734784012/548799795825868801/Screenshot_from_2019-02-23_10-28-17.png

EDIT3: Portage is able to install packages in different root using ROOT variable.

@kreyren Only Flatpak applications are supported by Endless OS

this is not related to applications nor flatpak, but core function… Why aren’t files created by non-EndlessOS visible to endlessOS? Some security function or?

Or is there something like selinux or something?

From your screenshot, I gather that you are using a Gentoo chroot to remount the Endless root filesystem device at /mnt/endless.
Under that directory tree you will then see a non-traditional Linux filesystem layout because we use ostree.
The ostree manual has the technical details about this, for example see

It’s also worth pointing out that if you do manage to make changes to /usr then they will disappear upon OS upgrade, as /usr belongs to the ostree. If you want to use custom binaries and libs like wine you will want to maintain them entirely under /home.

solved, EndlessOS running League of Legends using custom built wine-staging-4.2_p1 from bobwya;s gentoo repo.