Error no such device ostree

Hello @cho2, hello @sendy! Firstly, sorry for the problem you are experiencing and thanks for reporting it. As @wjt said, there was a bug on the 3.5.0 update process that made some machines unable to boot. We pulled off 3.5.0 from our servers and will soon publish 3.5.1 which does not contain that bug. Still, some manual intervention will be necessary to recover affected machines. We published a script that can be run from a Live USB / DVD environment which should fix the problem and make the able to boot normally again. Please follow the instructions bellow and let us know if that fixes your problem.

  1. Make sure you have a Live USB or DVD which contains sfdisk, lsblk, and dd. These are pretty standard Linux tools and are available by default on Endless Live USB. There are instructions on how to create a Live USB on
  2. Download the recovery script from
  3. Make sure the script is executable by running chmod 755 eos-fix-mbr-swap-removal.
  4. Run the script as root with sudo ./eos-fix-mbr-swap-removal.
  5. The script will point you to where it saved its logs. Please grab that log file and upload here so we can make sure everything went as planned.
  6. Shutdown your computer safely, remove the Live USB / DVD, and turn it back on.
  7. Your computer should boot normally.

Hopefully this will all run smooth and we’ll get you back up and running in no time! Thanks again for your patience.

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