I have noticed the fan does not work on the Chuwi Larkbox Pro when running Endless resulting in the temps becoming very high on the Larkbox. i have enclosed my diagnistic report.eos-diagnostic-201227_134453_UTC 0000.txt (738.0 KB)
From various threads in the Chuwi forum, it seems that many users have similar issues. Some attempts to fix this:
- Check your BIOS if the Fan is set to disabled (Windows Drivers ignore this settings as it seems)
- Can you please verify if your fans start working when executing the following command in a Terminal:
while true ; do cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone?/temp ; sleep 1 ; done
References: https://forum.chuwi.com/t/larkbox-fan-does-not-work-rigth-on-linux/14697/8
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