Hi everyone,
I’ve recently discovered EndlessOS and I’m really impressed with what I have seen so far. I think this will be a great OS for my son’s laptop… but I have hit a few teething problems.
The OS has installed perfectly first time and boots fine However, when I try to start most of the pre-installed apps there is a common problem that prevents them from running: the screen flickers, goes a solid colour, the mouse pointer changes, sound/music starts, but nothing else happens. I assume it is some problem with the video drivers which is being hit by some common framework that all these apps use:
Aquaducts: blue screen mouse pointer and music,
Dragon’s Apprentice: black screen, changed mouse pointer, when I click somewhere on the black screen it flickers to yellow then white and music starts,
etc. A similar problem for every app in the Games To Hack folder. and some others (e.g. Missile Maths)
I have attached the eos-diagnostic file: eos-diagnostic-200402_185921_UTC 0200.txt (2.4 MB)
I hope someone can help me solve this problem. I’m looking forward to my son using Endless!
Kind regards,