I have an ASUS FX553VD with Intel i5-8700HQ processor,
AMI Bios ver. 303 and endless OS 3.4.2.
I have to update the microcode.
Installing the intel-ucode package does not work - not part of flatpack?!.
Trying to overwrite /dev/cpu/microcode with the up-to-date microcode.dat fails…
We are adding support for automatic microcode updates. I can’t say for sure which release it will be in, but I’d expect it to be within the next few months.
Endless OS 3.3.5 was released earlier this week, and it should automatically upgrade your microcode, assuming there is a microcode update available in Debian’s intel-ucode package.
After upgrading, to test, run at the terminal: dmesg | grep microcode
If it updated, you will see a message similar to this one in the output:
[ 0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0xba, date = 2017-04-09