Install new icons set

Hello there,
I tried to install new icons in the following way:

(after googling and reading online, i found the following procedure):

  1. i download from gnome-look the icon package
  2. then unzipped and moved it onto my local .icons dyrectory
  3. executed the command in shell: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme "tela-icon-theme-master"

Didn’t get any error message but still not able to change icons.

Any help, please?

What version of Endless OS are you using?
To check which version of Endless OS you are in Settings :arrow_right: Details


Thanks for contacting us, please allow me to verify with our engineers if this is possible on Endless OS.

In the meantime, please consider this article

Best regards,


Just to confirm, this is not possible on Endless OS.

Apologies for any inconvenient.


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