Downloaded Basic distro and created USB boot media per Endless OS Support instructions.
When booting from USB stick, get Endless logo splash screen then a Welcome box that appears to be the Installer startup…was not presented with any boot options prior to Welcome box…
Hi there, can you tell us which instructions you followed to create the USB stick? If you’ve created it from Linux using “GNOME Disks” or similar to write the .img.xz to your USB stick, then you’ve not got an installer but a persistent USB live system and what you’re seeing is our “first boot experience” where you set your language, keyboard, username/password, etc before starting to use the system. With this type of USB, Endless will boot and run from the USB and store all of your files there without accessing your hard drive at all.
So your problem is probably the reverse - it’s actually a little tricky to create a combined live+installer USBs from under Linux at the moment because it uses a couple of different scripts and needs exfat-utils which isn’t always available on all Linux systems. If you want to try, you can fetch the relevant scripts from Git, and run them. This is known to work on Fedora 24 (with a caveat, see below); it should work on Debian and Ubuntu (and I guess elementaryOS is similar to these):
You should replace /dev/sdd with the right device name for your USB key. You’ll need to have a number of standard Unix tools installed, plus support for creating and mounting exFAT partitions. The latter is likely to be the most problematic: Fedora, for example, does not distribute exfat-utils, so you need to install it from somewhere else, like rpmfusion.
Thank you for the information…I will pass on installing endless os for now. Although I admire the concept behind it, there are a multitude of other Linux distros out there that make ‘test driving’ and installing from USB simple and painless.