No se ejecuta steam desde hace tiempo

Hola equipo de soporte.

No se ejecuta Steam y no da ningún error. Creo que a otros usuarios les ha pasado algo parecido en el pasado. Adjunto fichero de diagnósticos como referencia.


eos-diagnostic-191103_204035_UTC 0100.txt (365,0 KB)

Actualizar a Endless OS 3.7.3

Configuración :arrow_right: Detalles :arrow_right: Buscar actualizaciones ahora

Se actualizará a Endless OS 3.3.19. Repita el mismo procedimiento para actualizar a Endless OS 3.7.3

Pues dice q me instala las actuaciones, reinicio y vuelvo a ver q la versión es la 3.3.14(180320-225736).

  1. Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
  2. En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando:

sudo grub-editenv - create

  1. Reinicia la computadora


Me ha actualizado a la versión 3.3.19 (180611-160226), pero cuando hago Detalles/Buscar Actualizaciones empieza a instalar y me devuelve un error: Hubo un error durante la actualización.


Me pasa lo mismo, no me actualiza a más de esa versión y me pone que hubo un error…

Algo que nos ayudaría mucho a entender el problema sería la siguiente:

  1. Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
  2. En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando:


  1. El comando anterior creará un archivo con la información del sistema (por ejemplo EOS-diagnóstico-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Envíenos este archivo para que podamos analizar y ver una posible solución

Os envío el archivo.
eos-diagnostic-191104_160105_UTC 0100.txt (361,4 KB)

Muchas gracias y saludos.

Creo que te lo mandé por el foro, pero por si acaso te lo vuelvo a enviar.

Gracias y un saludo

eos-diagnostic-191105_171706_UTC+0100.txt (367 KB)

  1. Open the Terminal app and at the prompt, carefully type the command:

sudo ostree admin upgrade

It may ask for your user password (which will not be displayed as you type it in).

  1. Restart the computer

Cuando ejecuto el comando me dice lo siguiente:

2 delta parts, 1 loose fetched
No update available.

Tras reiniciar sigue sin funcionar la actualización.

Gracias y saludos

  1. Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
  2. En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando:
rm -f eos-fix-ostree-repo
chmod +x eos-fix-ostree-repo
sudo ./eos-fix-ostree-repo && flatpak update -y

  1. Reinicia la computadora

El error sigue sin corregirse y sigo sin poder actualizar el SO. Cuando he ejecutado el último comando me ha dado el siguiente error:

Success! Try to update the OS and Apps now.
Looking for updates…
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: Ninguna entrada para app/ en el caché de flatpak del repositorio remoto
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: Ninguna entrada para app/com.endlessm.videonet/x86_64/eos3 en el caché de flatpak del repositorio remoto
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: Ninguna entrada para app/ en el caché de flatpak del repositorio remoto
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: Ninguna entrada para app/com.github.Slingshot/x86_64/eos3 en el caché de flatpak del repositorio remoto
Se requiere un tiempo de ejecución para com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community/x86_64/stable (org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/19.08) que no está instalado, buscando…
Found in remote flathub
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: Ninguna entrada para app/com.sublimetext.three/x86_64/eos3 en el caché de flatpak del repositorio remoto
error: app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/x86_64/stable necesita una versión de flatpak superior (1.0.0)

Gracias y saludos.

Sigo sin poder actualizar el SO…

Please open a terminal and run:

eos-updater-ctl update

Once this succeeds or fails, run eos-diagnostics again.

Attach both the eos-diagnostics file, and the output from the terminal, here.

diagnostics file attached.

This is the output of the terminal:

Changed state to Polling
Changed state to UpdateAvailable
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
CurrentID: ‘7083275ee04acaf9f19fc070df8132861acb8171d18e2587efbfc06bca7f5ef7’
DownloadSize: int64 0
DownloadedBytes: int64 0
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 0
FullUnpackedSize: int64 0
OriginalRefspec: ‘’
UnpackedSize: int64 0
UpdateID: ‘’
UpdateLabel: ‘’
UpdateMessage: ‘’
UpdateRefspec: ‘’

Changed state to Fetching
Changed state to Error
======= Properties =======
State: Fetching
CurrentID: ‘7083275ee04acaf9f19fc070df8132861acb8171d18e2587efbfc06bca7f5ef7’
DownloadSize: int64 0
DownloadedBytes: int64 1114
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 1680206436
FullUnpackedSize: int64 3946856533
OriginalRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a’
UnpackedSize: int64 0
UpdateID: ‘0b74b32237cc0e9286858dd800dbc4aff7245e02b3f5586af232ca49ace6704a’
UpdateLabel: ‘191024-113713’
UpdateMessage: ‘Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.7.2’
UpdateRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a’

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 355, in
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 351, in main
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 190, in command_update
apply_result = command_apply(block=True, quiet=quiet)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 177, in command_apply
return command_dbus(‘apply’, block, quiet)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 145, in command_dbus
proxy.call_sync(‘com.endlessm.Updater.’ + function_name, None, 0, -1, None)
GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:com.endlessm.Updater.Error.WrongState: Can’t call Apply() while in state Error (36)

Thanks in advance.

eos-diagnostic-191116_083030_UTC+0100.txt (383 KB)

(Please forgive my responses in English – I don’t speak Spanish.)

I see one problem that I was expecting:

org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.22                          gnome        59a5d68de566  ?              790,0 MB                   system

(The ? is because the gnome Flatpak remote was erroneously removed with this still installed.)

I also see another problem:

nov 16 08:28:12 masquinatotal eos-updater[1338]: Error occurred whilst pulling flatpak flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/19.08: While trying to apply extra data: apply_extra script failed, exit status 256
nov 16 08:28:12 masquinatotal eos-updater[1338]: Fetch: failed to pull necessary new flatpaks for update: While trying to apply extra data: apply_extra script failed, exit status 256
nov 16 08:28:12 masquinatotal eos-updater[1338]: Changing to error state: com.endlessm.Updater.Error.Fetching, 5, Error fetching update: While trying to apply extra data: apply_extra script failed, exit status

I think we can work around these two issues. Please open a terminal window and run these commands, one line at a time (copy and paste each line, press Enter, answer any questions it shows, and wait for the pedroazcona@masquinatotal:~$ prompt to reappear):

rm -f eos-update-flatpak-repos
wget --quiet
chmod +x eos-update-flatpak-repos
sudo ./eos-update-flatpak-repo
flatpak install flathub org.libreoffice.LibreOffice

Please paste any output here.

Once complete you can try running this again:

eos-updater-ctl update

Thank you for your patience!

(Edit 2019-11-18: replaced pkexec with sudo.)


Don’t worry about Spanish, English is Ok!

I have executed what is above:

pedroazcona@masquinatotal:~$ pkexec ./eos-update-flatpak-repos
Error executing ./eos-update-flatpak-repos: No such file or directory

And realize that the last “s” was missing so I execute the following:

pedroazcona@masquinatotal:~$ pkexec ./eos-update-flatpak-repos
I have entered my admin pwd, but then I receive the following error message:

Error executing ./eos-update-flatpak-repos: No such file or directory

I can see this in the directory:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 pedroazcona pedroazcona 15569 nov 13 22:15 eos-fix-ostree-repo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pedroazcona pedroazcona 20692 nov 16 09:55 eos-update-flatpak-repos

Some file is missing…

Sorry, rather than pkexec, try sudo:

sudo ./eos-update-flatpak-repos

You’ll be asked for your password. Nothing will be shown on screen as you type each letter – this is normal.


Looks good!

The output:

pedroazcona@masquinatotal:~$ sudo ./eos-update-flatpak-repos
[sudo] password for pedroazcona:
INFO:root:Found org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.22 to migrate
INFO:root:Writing new deploy file for /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.22/dddd3c0b82f4e1dd28ef0f416317083dfc58608d057c187664f8367c75dcd5e9/deploy, setting [0] to: flathub
INFO:root:Found org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.22 to migrate
INFO:root:Writing new deploy file for /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.22/59a5d68de5668002d0b4009626b55a8ebc1d2af572320806c39ea7363b6e3014/deploy, setting [0] to: flathub
pedroazcona@masquinatotal:~$ flatpak install flathub org.libreoffice.LibreOfficeActualizando: org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/19.08 desde
[####################] 2 delta parts, 1 loose fetched; 2287 KiB transferred in 1
Ahora a las 5a35247ad1c9.
Instalando: org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale/x86_64/19.08 desde flathub
[####################] 58 metadata, 193 content objects fetched; 3637 KiB transferred in 1 seconds
Instalando: org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/19.08 desde flathub
[####################] Downloading: 593,0 kB/593,0 kB (296,5 kB/s)
Instalando: org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/x86_64/stable desde flathub
[####################] 7 delta parts, 109 loose fetched; 258450 KiB transferred in 9 seconds
Instalando: org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.Locale/x86_64/stable desde flathub
[####################] 13 metadata, 36 content objects fetched; 765 KiB transferred in 0 seconds

pedroazcona@masquinatotal:~$ eos-updater-ctl update
Changed state to Polling
Changed state to UpdateAvailable
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
 CurrentID: '7083275ee04acaf9f19fc070df8132861acb8171d18e2587efbfc06bca7f5ef7'
 DownloadSize: int64 0
 DownloadedBytes: int64 0
 ErrorCode: uint32 0
 ErrorMessage: ''
 ErrorName: ''
 FullDownloadSize: int64 0
 FullUnpackedSize: int64 0
 OriginalRefspec: ''
 UnpackedSize: int64 0
 UpdateID: ''
 UpdateLabel: ''
 UpdateMessage: ''
 UpdateRefspec: ''

Changed state to Fetching
Changed state to UpdateReady
======= Properties =======
State: Fetching
 CurrentID: '7083275ee04acaf9f19fc070df8132861acb8171d18e2587efbfc06bca7f5ef7'
 DownloadSize: int64 0
 DownloadedBytes: int64 1114
 ErrorCode: uint32 0
 ErrorMessage: ''
 ErrorName: ''
 FullDownloadSize: int64 1680206436
 FullUnpackedSize: int64 3946856533
 OriginalRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'
 UnpackedSize: int64 0
 UpdateID: '0b74b32237cc0e9286858dd800dbc4aff7245e02b3f5586af232ca49ace6704a'
 UpdateLabel: '191024-113713'
 UpdateMessage: 'Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.7.2'
 UpdateRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'

Changed state to ApplyingUpdate
Changed state to UpdateApplied
======= Properties =======
State: ApplyingUpdate
 CurrentID: '7083275ee04acaf9f19fc070df8132861acb8171d18e2587efbfc06bca7f5ef7'
 DownloadSize: int64 0
 DownloadedBytes: int64 1114
 ErrorCode: uint32 0
 ErrorMessage: ''
 ErrorName: ''
 FullDownloadSize: int64 1680206436
 FullUnpackedSize: int64 3946856533
 OriginalRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'
 UnpackedSize: int64 0
 UpdateID: '0b74b32237cc0e9286858dd800dbc4aff7245e02b3f5586af232ca49ace6704a'
 UpdateLabel: '191024-113713'
 UpdateMessage: 'Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.7.2'
 UpdateRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'