Olá. Qual o comando eu utilizo para bloquear e desbloquear o teclado?
Press Start-L on your Keyboard to activate the Screen Lock - if this is what you mean.
Do you want to block the screen or the keyboard?
Desejo desbloquear o teclado
Eventually it’s because i need to translate your question to english to understand, but i don’t think i understand what you want to achieve. Can you please give me an example.
Porque você quer bloquear o teclado?
Cara, o que aconteceu foi que as teclas simplesmente pararam de funcionar, e antes de procurar assistência pra saber se não é um problema técnico, eu quero descobrir se pode ter sido um comando executado equivocadamente.
Well, what happened was that the keys on my laptop just stopped working, and before looking for assistance to find out if it is a technical problem, I want to find out if it was a command executed incorrectly.
To verify if it’s a hardware problem, either:
- Boot with a Live USB from Endless and see if the Keyboard works
- or, enter the BIOS of your computer and see if you can navigate around with the Keyboard.
Let us know the results
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