Hello, I saw a lot of posts and answers about updates of EndlessOS but my question is where can we see a schedule of those updates, when will 2.6.9 be realeased or 3.0 or 3.1? I ask this in a post because my EndlessOS is not working (as i said in another post with no response) and i tought that maybe a newer version will fix things up, otherwise maybe it’s just not for me.
Hi @Alexandru_Necula, we don’t post schedules of our upcoming releases since we often have to modify our schedule to fit the various initiatives we have going on globally and speed is important to us. Having longer (6 month), predictable release cycles is something we are working towards. Right now, major releases (e.g. 2.X to 3.X) are rare, but we have minor releases every 4 months and point releases / bug-fixes roughly monthly. Our next minor release (3.1) will come out early next year - we are targeting mid-January 2017.
I’ll take a look at the other post you have and try to respond there too if nobody has answered yet. Let me know if you have any other questions!
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