Wayland not working or not active

After some problems in one of the previous posts, where I reported that my applications are not working correctly, or that they never open, I have seen that the Wayland system on my laptop is not working; I have reached this conclusion after reviewing the suggestion about removing the # symbol from the #WaylandEnable=false line and the same symbol from the #Enable=true line, with the aim of forcing the system. Once that symbol was deactivated, after executing the command echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE , wayland was not active, all this did not solve the problem and my applications continued to crash, but then I thought of putting the # symbol back on the lines where I had removed it and run the command echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE , to see if wayland would be activated, but to my surprise, it is not active, only the message x11 appears; Isn’t it supposed to be active and working correctly? Is it possible that this error is causing my applications to not work or open?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wayland session crashes and falls back to X11