Wayland session crashes and falls back to X11

Well, I’m going to add the diagnosis, but I’m going to add other information.

Diagnosis: eos-diagnostic-240521_195844_UTC-0300.txt (1,8 MB)

Additional Information
After the tests carried out yesterday, the following message has appeared in the application center:

The thing is that I don’t have Rstudio installed, but I tried to install it some time ago, and I had used it through RCRAN, however, I don’t understand why this error appears.

In addition, the icons of some installed applications, and others not installed, do not appear or appear with an error, as shown in the following images:

Finally, the operation of the applications continues to be erratic, some work, others do not, they take a long time to open, they open in safe mode, or they simply do not open.

Additionally, I performed an update through the sudo flatpak repair command, waiting for the solution on the applications that are presenting errors, and this is the message that was returned:

Working on the system installation at /var/lib/flatpak
[8/211] Verificando flathub:runtime/org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QGnomePlatform-dec

[211/211] Verificando flathub:runtime/org.kde.Platform.Locale/x86_64/5.15-22.08…
Comprobando remotos…
Podando objetos
Eliminando .removed
Reinstalling removed refs
Instalando app/com.google.Chrome/x86_64/eos3

Note that ‘/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share’ is not in the search path
environment variables, so applications may not
be able to find it until you set them. The
directories currently searched are:

  • /root/.local/share
  • /usr/local/share/
  • /usr/share/


I will be available to continue sending information. And thanks for help

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After some problems in one of the previous posts, where I reported that my applications are not working correctly, or that they never open, I have seen that the Wayland system on my laptop is not working; I have reached this conclusion after reviewing the suggestion about removing the # symbol from the #WaylandEnable=false line and the same symbol from the #Enable=true line, with the aim of forcing the system. Once that symbol was deactivated, after executing the command echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE , wayland was not active, all this did not solve the problem and my applications continued to crash, but then I thought of putting the # symbol back on the lines where I had removed it and run the command echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE , to see if wayland would be activated, but to my surprise, it is not active, only the message x11 appears; Isn’t it supposed to be active and working correctly? Is it possible that this error is causing my applications to not work or open?

Yes this roughly is in agreement with our investigation so far. The system tries to launch Wayland, but it crashes in a very unusual place, and so it falls back on the X11 display server. But the desktop continues to launch in confused state, where it expects to talk to Wayland, and then all the apps get confused.

The question is indeed: why is Wayland crashing? Sorry that we haven’t had time to further investigate this very strange case. We have not had any other reports of this.

Something in your user’s home directory is causing this crash - we don’t know what. Practically speaking it probably makes most sense for you to “start again” with a new user account.

I understand, so I have a question regarding the use of a new user; Can I somehow bring all my information, data, documents, etc. to the new user? or all the information would be lost. I will be attentive to any response.