Zoom no se ejecuta

Buenas tardes, no me funciona zoom. Les envío diagnóstico: eos-diagnostic-200419_184511_UTC 0200.txt (1,2 MB)

Hello Mey_Rosa,
there’s currently a issue with the Zoom Flatpak. Open a Terminal and use the following command until a fix comes out (will be installed automatically when available as a update in the AppCenter).

flatpak run --command=/app/extra/zoom/ZoomLauncher us.zoom.Zoom

If interested, the issue is documented at:

Pues ésto me aparece al poner ese comando:

Sigue sin funcionar… ¿Alguien puede ayudarme?.

  1. Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
  2. En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando:

sudo eos-fix-ostree-repo && flatpak update -y

  1. Reinicia tu computadora

There seem to be some problem with your OpenGL acceleration, which is needed by Zoom for doing video acceleration. I would in the first place advice you to upgrade to the latest version of EOS available as yours is rather old.

Open a Terminal and type:

eos-updater-ctl update

This will download the latest release, which also includes many fixes to the AMD Graphics Card drivers. Then try again to run Zoom with the command i mentioned earlier.


Please keep us updated and let us know if the information above helped you.

Nada… no hay manera :frowning:

Please try this command.

3.4.0-nexthw1, 3.4.2-nexthw1 and 3.4.3-nexthw1 had some problems with upgrading to a newer version. The new version has been downloaded, but has not gotten activated. Open a Terminal and type:

sudo ostree admin upgrade

After this command has been finished, reboot and you should be on the latest version.

Por fin!!!.

  • sudo ostree admin upgrade
    y después:
  • sudo eos-fix-repo && flatpak update -y
  • eos-updater-ctl update


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