F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /sysroot/home/qwe/.local/share/flatpak Looking for matches… F: Fetching summary file for remote ‘eos-apps’ F: Ignoring remote ‘winepak’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-runtimes’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: _flatpak_dir_fetch_remote_state_metadata_branch: Comparing 47acab7a8885c2e1ea2a6def3fd904c34dd8cd5419b975354a45895110c6b443 from summary and 47acab7a8885c2e1ea2a6def3fd904c34dd8cd5419b975354a45895110c6b443 from repo F: Ignoring remote ‘winepak’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-runtimes’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Fetching summary file for remote ‘eos-runtimes’ F: Adding GPG keyring dir /usr/share/ostree/trusted.gpg.d to verifier F: Fetching summary file for remote ‘eos-sdk’ F: Ignoring remote ‘winepak’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-runtimes’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: _flatpak_dir_fetch_remote_state_metadata_branch: Comparing 7de4932db96cabe330363e9903da32294c8e4c596ec79036cb82852a55284dc8 from summary and 7de4932db96cabe330363e9903da32294c8e4c596ec79036cb82852a55284dc8 from repo F: Ignoring remote ‘winepak’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-runtimes’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Fetching summary file for remote ‘flathub’ F: _ostree_fetcher_should_retry_request: error: 498:3 Peer failed to perform TLS handshake: Ошибка при получении данных: Соединение разорвано другой стороной, n_retries_remaining: 5 F: Failed to download optional summary F: Ignoring remote ‘winepak’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-runtimes’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: _flatpak_dir_fetch_remote_state_metadata_branch: Comparing (null) from summary and e69bd1cb202acd0f4ff015cd7d97f2ea5eaf2435f0e491eaa3bf2b739e24ab36 from repo F: ostree_repo_finder_resolve_all_async: Resolving refs [(org.flathub.Stable, ostree-metadata)] with finders [OstreeRepoFinderConfig, OstreeRepoFinderMount] F: ostree_repo_finder_config_resolve_async: Checking 6 remotes F: Ignoring remote ‘eos’ due to it not advertising any of the requested refs. F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-apps’ due to it not advertising any of the requested refs. F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-runtimes’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: Ignoring remote ‘eos-sdk’ due to it not advertising any of the requested refs. F: _ostree_fetcher_should_retry_request: error: 498:3 Peer failed to perform TLS handshake: Ошибка при получении данных: Соединение разорвано другой стороной, n_retries_remaining: 5 F: Ignoring remote ‘flathub’ due to error loading its refs: Peer failed to perform TLS handshake: Ошибка при получении данных: Соединение разорвано другой стороной F: Ignoring remote ‘winepak’ due to no valid collection ID being configured for it: Invalid collection ID (null) F: ostree_repo_finder_mount_resolve_async: Found 0 mounts F: resolve_all_finished_one: Finished, results: (none) F: Failed to download optional metadata F: An error was encountered searching remote ‘flathub’ for ‘org.telegram.desktop’: Unable to load metadata from remote flathub: No such ref (org.flathub.Stable, ostree-metadata) in remote flathub or elsewhere F: Fetching summary file for remote ‘winepak’ F: Adding GPG keyring data from winepak.trustedkeys.gpg to verifier ошибка: No remote refs found similar to ‘org.telegram.desktop’