wpa_supplicant v2.8-devel random: getrandom() support available Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant Initializing interface 'wlxd03745df8068' conf '~/wireless.conf' driver 'nl80211,wext' ctrl_interface 'N/A' bridge 'N/A' Configuration file '~/wireless.conf' -> '/sysroot/home/fabi/~/wireless.conf' Reading configuration file '/sysroot/home/fabi/~/wireless.conf' Failed to open config file '/sysroot/home/fabi/~/wireless.conf', error: No such file or directory Failed to read or parse configuration '/sysroot/home/fabi/~/wireless.conf'. Failed to add interface wlxd03745df8068 : Cancelling scan request : Cancelling authentication timeout Off-channel: Clear pending Action frame TX (pending_action_tx=(nil)