Adding Veyon to Endless OS


is there anyone who can add VEYON application to Endless OS? i don’t have a clue how to create a flatpak but i need this application, both master and client to be available in my Endless OS setup. Developers please reply and let me know your fee to do this

Hi @LeandroStanger - since our transition to a non-profit, Endless Solutions is effectively closed for custom engineering work. We do have a commercial licensing scheme for Endless OS, but the Foundation doesn’t have any separate engineering resources to work on bespoke engineering.

That said; @nkduodu I’d love to see Veyon working w/ Endless and other Flatpak systems. You would probably need a podman/docker container for the server, and a Flatpak for the client, but there are a few folks who might be able to assist. I’ll link them to this thread and see if anyone wants to reach out to you.

Just took a quick look on it, doesn’t seem to be a hard to accomplish task, as there are already build scripts for the Docker container in the sources for the server and the hardest to build dependencies are already in the KDE Flatpak SDK.

Will take a look on it in the coming week if i can build it when i have some spare time and publish the instructions here.


Thank you all for your comments. I’ll like to restate my level of using flatpak…0…if veyon can be portes into endless os…will it require a simple search in the app center to install both master and client versions? The talk of containers etc is very confusing to me.

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