Olá, percebi que o programa ‘Video Downloader’ não faz mais download do ‘Youtube’.
Testei o ‘Gydl’ e ‘Forklift’ mas não funionaram.
Alguma alternativa?
Olá, percebi que o programa ‘Video Downloader’ não faz mais download do ‘Youtube’.
Testei o ‘Gydl’ e ‘Forklift’ mas não funionaram.
Alguma alternativa?
To download videos from many different streaming platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, … i highly recommend the Tool youtube-dl
.It’s a command line utility without any kind of gui, but once you get used to it, it’s easy to use.
First of all open a Terminal.
mkdir ~/bin
wget -O ~/bin/youtube-dl https://youtube-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl
chmod +x ~/bin/youtube-dl
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 ~/bin/python
echo PATH=~/bin:$PATH >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
Just copy paste the commands from above to the Terminal
cd ~/Videos
youtube-dl -f best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBp0Rb-ZJak
This will download the video in question and save it to your Videos directory. If you can’t download some kind of video from a platform, try to redownload it, as it’s always a game of cat and mice between the developers and the platforms (even if it’s not illegal in most countries to download the videos, they simply don’t want you to have a copy of it)
Amazing tip! Thanks!
Existe alguma forma de usar isso no terminal em formato flatpak?
There is no Flatpak version of youtube-dl.
Works fine here via Terminal.
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