An error during the opening of .docx file


I need some advice on opening a .docx file which is the output of translation software. I need to proofread this file, but cannot access it due to the errors shown in the attached screenshots.

Seems like there’s the rare condition that LibreOffice simply can’t understand what Microsoft Word created … try to open it in another Office Suite available in the AppCenter, like WPS Office.

(It’s not a fault of LO, it’s the problem the people still send around proprietary file formats, instead of the ones that are common to all suites, like ODT :slight_smile: )

Yes, unfortunately this is the output of a CAT tool, probably TRADOS, and I need to proofread the translation so I’m stuck as the app center seems to be in a loop checking the updates. I have deadlines :slight_smile: I can check the .docx using my institutional Office account, but I’d rather keep files from various clients separate.

If my old laptop hadn’t given up the ghost last month, I probably would have continued using proprietary file formats, so I’m not judging :smiley: I’m trying to go towards a more open environment, starting with Endless since other Linux distributions are scary right now, but I hope to get there eventually. In the meantime, I have to deal with these file formats :frowning:

Install WPS Office using:

flatpak install -y com.wps.Office

I installed it this morning, after having to restart the laptop since I keep losing the wifi connection. I will have to post a new help request about that, as it’s a new issue.

WPS Office did a much better job with opening the output .doc file; the document had a simple table with several columns color-coded based on TRADOS settings, and the original and the translation side by side. I was able to do my part, so thank you for pointing me to this office package. I’m having trouble creating the app shortcut on my desktop though; I’ll have to look into that.


eos-add-to-desktop com.wps.Office

This will put the Icon for WPS Office on the Desktop

So type this in the terminal, hit enter and that should do it?

It didn’t work, unfortunately. I’ve pinned it to the taskbar instead.

Yes, that works normally for all Flatpak’s installed on the commandline with the flatpak command.

/edit: Just tried it by myself … WPS Office does it’s own thing. You need the following command:

eos-add-to-desktop wps-office-prometheus

Yes! Thank you, that did it :slight_smile:

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