Apps from app center not launching


greetings i have asus with endless 3.4.3-nexthw1 (180626-064407) now for 1 week

i get this message now when downloading app from app center, for example zoom

failed to get permissions: unable to load metadata from remote flathub: unknown error

last week I downloade the app 0 A.D. just as test, and it worked, now it also does not work

thank your for help

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. Copy and paste this command into the Terminal application:
flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
eos-updater-ctl update
  1. Wait for a notification saying that it is to restart the computer and Click to restart the computer

hi Leandro,
thank you for your fast answer.
I apologize, I am very bad with computers and it is not letting me copy paste your instructions
should i type it in exactly bold, italics etcetra?

sorry Leandro, I got the copy paste to work now and it said

unknown option yeos update ctl

should i first copy paste flatpak update and hit enter
and then
eos updater?

i typed in just

flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y

and i get this error now:

error: runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/19.08 needs a later flatpak version (1.4.2;1.2.5;1.0.9;)


Can you send us a screenshot of the messages you get after you enter the commands Leandro gave you?

hi Byron, thanks for your response
here is my copy paste

flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
Updating appstream data for remote eos-apps
Updating appstream data for remote eos-runtimes
Updating appstream data for remote eos-sdk
Updating appstream data for remote flathub
Looking for updates…
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/com.github.Slingshot/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/de.billardgl.Billardgl/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/io.github.Supertux/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.blockout.Blockout2/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.gcompris.Gcompris/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.olofson.Kobodeluxe/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Atanks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Audacity/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Btanks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.ChromiumBSU/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Extremetuxracer/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Rili/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Supertuxkart/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Torcs/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Tuxfootball/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Warmux/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.wz2100.Warzone2100/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.armagetronad.Armagetronad/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.debian.Tuxpuck/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.debian.alioth.tux4kids.Tuxmath/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.debian.alioth.tux4kids.Tuxtype/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.frozenbubble.FrozenBubble/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gimp.Gimp/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Freecell/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Iagno/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Quadrapassel/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Solitaire/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Tetravex/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.people.dscorgie.Labyrinth/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kalzium/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kapman/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Katomic/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kblocks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kbounce/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kbruch/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kdiamond/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kgeography/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kgoldrunner/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Khangman/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kigo/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Killbots/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kjumpingcube/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Klines/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Knavalbattle/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Knetwalk/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ksame/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ksquares/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ksudoku/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ktuberling/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kubrick/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kwordquiz/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Palapeli/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.maemo.Numptyphysics/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.marsshooter.Marsshooter/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.openarena.Openarena/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.openscad.Openscad/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.seul.Pingus/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.squeakland.Etoys/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.squeakland.Scratch/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.stellarium.Stellarium/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.sugarlabs.Turtleblocks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.tuxfamily.Xmoto/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
error: runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/19.08 needs a later flatpak version (1.4.2;1.2.5;1.0.9;)

as suggested before: I highly recommend you to update to the latest version of EOS before anything else, as your’s is rather old.

To do so, open a Terminal and type:

eos-updater-ctl update

This will invoke the updater and download the latest current release available. After the command has finished, reboot your machine.

hi egrath,
this is the error i receive when i type that

GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:com.endlessm.Updater.Error.WrongState: Can’t call Fetch() while in state Ready (36)

Interesting, from the error message it seems that you are already at the latest version. Can you please provide us with a diagnostic obtained by entering the following command in a Terminal:


(Upload the resulting file here in this thread)

rhanks egrath, please find the requested file below

eos-diagnostic-200323_105850_UTC 0100.txt (1.5 MB)

did the eos diagnostic help?

thank you

hi sorry to repeat again, but just to keep this problem here:

does the eos diagnostic reveal any information about what i should do?

Hi @zukramat

The log you gave shows you are on an old version of Endless from June 2018. Can you follow the instructions here: Steam does not work

thank you mwleeds,
but this is the answer i received when i did that
(i have to type it, because it is not letting me copy paste

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local Sytem Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.

1 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 1 KiB transferred in 0 seconds

Did you wait for a prompt after running that? Until you get a prompt which looks like zukramat@endless:~$ the command has not finished.

The instructions I linked to assumed you have a password set. If you don’t, you won’t get a prompt for one.

hi mwleeds,

i apologize for my ignorance, i dont recall ever setting a password. how do i do that?

in any case i typed in 10 minutes ago
sudo ostree admin upgrade

i am still waiting 10 minutes now for something to happen it only says:
1 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 1 KiB transferred in 0 seconds


an update:
the process finished and says
Copying /etc changes: 18 modified, 0 removed, 19 added
Bootloader updated; bootconfig swap: yes deployment count change: 1

That means the update was successful and will be completed when you reboot.

excellent mwleeds, thank you, i checked zoom now and i believe it working!
thank you, and thank you all for your help