hi Leandro,
thank you for your fast answer.
I apologize, I am very bad with computers and it is not letting me copy paste your instructions
should i type it in exactly bold, italics etcetra?
hi Byron, thanks for your response
here is my copy paste
flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
Updating appstream data for remote eos-apps
Updating appstream data for remote eos-runtimes
Updating appstream data for remote eos-sdk
Updating appstream data for remote flathub
Looking for updates…
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/com.github.Slingshot/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/de.billardgl.Billardgl/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/io.github.Supertux/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.blockout.Blockout2/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.gcompris.Gcompris/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.olofson.Kobodeluxe/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Atanks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Audacity/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Btanks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.ChromiumBSU/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Extremetuxracer/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Rili/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Supertuxkart/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Torcs/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Tuxfootball/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.sourceforge.Warmux/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/net.wz2100.Warzone2100/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.armagetronad.Armagetronad/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.debian.Tuxpuck/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.debian.alioth.tux4kids.Tuxmath/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.debian.alioth.tux4kids.Tuxtype/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.frozenbubble.FrozenBubble/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gimp.Gimp/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Freecell/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Iagno/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Quadrapassel/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Solitaire/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.Tetravex/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.gnome.people.dscorgie.Labyrinth/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kalzium/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kapman/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Katomic/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kblocks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kbounce/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kbruch/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kdiamond/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kgeography/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kgoldrunner/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Khangman/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kigo/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Killbots/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kjumpingcube/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Klines/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Knavalbattle/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Knetwalk/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ksame/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ksquares/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ksudoku/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Ktuberling/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kubrick/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Kwordquiz/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.kde.Palapeli/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.maemo.Numptyphysics/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.marsshooter.Marsshooter/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.openarena.Openarena/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.openscad.Openscad/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.seul.Pingus/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.squeakland.Etoys/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.squeakland.Scratch/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.stellarium.Stellarium/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.sugarlabs.Turtleblocks/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
Warning: Can’t find dependencies: No entry for app/org.tuxfamily.Xmoto/x86_64/eos3 in remote summary flatpak cache
error: runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/19.08 needs a later flatpak version (1.4.2;1.2.5;1.0.9;)
Interesting, from the error message it seems that you are already at the latest version. Can you please provide us with a diagnostic obtained by entering the following command in a Terminal: