Astronomi and Biologi (and thailandese word of Biology) appear in desktop (but do not exist in app center)


I have got 3.9.7 Endless OS installed and i have removed from App Center Biology and Astronomy app (both of these). Unfortunately they appear in the desktop and Settings app as Astronomi and Biologi (and also thailandese translation of Biology) and thus can not remove them as they do not appear in App Center as installed. Is there any way to remove these apps from desktop and app settings part?

That would help me a lot!


Hello again!

Additionally i would like to ask if it’s possible firstly to install these apps via terminal command as i can not find them in App Center and afterwards uninstall them.

Please correct me as i do not know the exact syntax of the command and afterwards uninstall via App Center

flatpak install flathub Biologi 
flatpak install flathub Astronomi
flatpak install flathub  ชีววิทยา

or it would be quicker to use something like as long as i run beforehand

flatpak list --app
flatpak uninstall --delete-data App-ID

or perhaps might be better

sudo flatpak repair

Your assistance would be convenient to me!


Hi @asimkon

The apps should appear in the App Center, no need to go through command line. So I’m wondering what is happening here.

But if you really need technical details, the real internal name for the thailandese version is and it’s in the eos-apps remote (not in flathub). So you should try:

flatpak install eos-apps

Thanks for the reply!

I think that Astronomi and Biologi are the Indonesian versions of biology and astronomy apps. So please correct me with the following statements if I am wrong

  flatpak install eos-apps
  flatpak install eos-apps


Hi again @asimkon. Yes, those 2 apps exist.

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