Continuing the discussion from Restore last state after power loss :
Restore AC Power Loss set to Power On or Last state not working. I tried many times.
This is the BIOS information of the Endless One 500GB model that have the issue:
Can you guys from the Endless team help me with that? I have 100 pcs of Endless One that need this function, seriously.
Thank you.
December 20, 2019, 5:29am
Did you hit F4 to save and exit?
Of course. Do you have a spare Endless One to test? Please advice if you can make the function working. What is your BIOS version?
Do you have an answer for this problem?
Thank you
December 27, 2019, 2:32am
Apologies, we cannot provide any BIOS support for this platform at this time.
If Restore AC Power state is not working, I think it is safe to assume that the functionality is not supported. Sorry for the inconvenience.
January 24, 2020, 2:36am
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