Browsers collapse

Hi guys, all browsers keep collapsing with Endless. Can you please advise? Thx

Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

eos-diagnostic-190115_222344_UTC 0100.txt (1.6 MB)

Hi Leandro, thanks, I have sent it to you

@wjt @ramcq Could help?

can someone please advice?

Hey guys, it has been 1 week and noone could help. can i expect any support here? thanks

Dear Team, Chrome and Chromium keep collapsing for some reason after a few second of usage. I installed the latest OS update, but did not help. Can you please advise? I cannot use the lapotop like this. Thx

eos-diagnostic-190115_222344_UTC 0100.txt (1.6 MB)

all browser, all the time, really upsetting… please help. if you cant please tell that you cant and ill just stop using endless… lot of problems…

Can you clarify exactly what you see when you open Chromium? Does the window appear on screen at all? Can you use it as normal for the few seconds before it crashes? Does the window just disappear?

Please try closing all Chromium windows, then opening Terminal, and running:

chromium-browser --disable-gpu

Does this work any better?

I see this in the log:

jan 15 17:29:04 endless chromium-browser.desktop[1352]: [3484:3484:0115/] Lost UI shared context.
jan 15 17:29:05 endless chromium-browser.desktop[1352]: [3484:3484:0115/] Not implemented reached in virtual void libgtkui::X11InputMethodContextImplGtk::SetSurroundingText(const base::string16 &, const gfx::Range &)
jan 15 17:29:06 endless chromium-browser.desktop[1352]: [3484:3600:0115/] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018

but I see the second and third lines on my system too, and Chromium seems to work fine.

Thanks for the reply. I ran the command. The result: kriszti@endless:~$ chromium-browser --disable-gpu
[9486:9486:0131/] Lost UI shared context.
[9486:9486:0131/] Not implemented reached in virtual void libgtkui::X11InputMethodContextImplGtk::SetSurroundingText(const base::string16 &, const gfx::Range &)
[9486:9580:0131/] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018

I can use the internet normal for a few second or minutes, i even can open more tabs. So it occurs on multiple sites. And then the tabs collapse. It shows the usual collapse page ( oops something went wrong, then it says i can try to upload again, when i refresh it works again for a few min)

Hi, I opened this topic more than 1 month ago. I ran the requested command. Noone could help so far. Anyone please? Thx!

If you run Chromium / Chrome in Incognito mode, does this improve the stability? This causes Chrome not to use any of the extensions - which could be one source of instability.

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately it does not help. I have Endless 3.5.6 (190211-175752)