BTRFS as default filesystem

Hi devs,

I would like to recommend BTRFS as default file system for the following reasons that are non-existent on EXT4.

  • Filesystem compression
  • Subvolumes (each with their own settings)
  • Copy-On-Write (COW)
  • Bit-rot detection and automatic sector reallocation when errors found
  • SSD optimizations
  • Faster file reads when using multiple drives
  • End-to-End file checksums

Please consider this for future versions.


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What is BTRFS ?
What is EXT4 ?
Do you think we, the endless community, are into your mind. Whith this class of helpper we need no help.

My question was clearly addressed to DEVS (Developers) under ideas and feedback section. If you don’t understand the post, stay away and mind your own business!
Google is your friend. Go read and learn.