Can not install VLC from USB drive 3.9.3

Under 3.9.3 I am trying to save the VLC app to a USB drive and then install it from that USB drive on another system without an internet connection. Using app manager the save to USB seems to work but when I try to install on the other system I get what appears to be a flatpack error. Attached is a screen shot of the error.

Any advice would be appreciated. This worked under with 3.6.8


Screenshot from 2021-03-08 09-54-12

After a first quick look, i think you’ve found a Bug in Flatpak :slight_smile: I will do some more investigation and file a Bug for it as soon as i have enough information about the case.

In the meantime, the following Quickfix will help:

  1. Format the USB Stick with a Name only containing Alphanumeric chars, something like “FLATPAKS” or so.

The issue seems to have something to do with special characters contained in the mountpath not encoded correctly. A usb stick without a name gets mounted using either it’s partition UUID (ext4) or serial number (FAT32), both containing a dash-symbol (-) and both don’t work.

When the USB stick is created (flatpak create-usb) the mountpoint gets encoded correctly, the issue only occurs when installing a application from the stick (flatpak install --sideload-repo=… )

@Daniel, @mwleeds

Thanks for the quick response. I tried giving the USB stick a name as you suggested and copied VLC to the stick successfully. Then I got the following error trying to do the install from the stick.


Screenshot from 2021-03-08 13-56-54

For your actual problem: Can you please try to format the USB stick with ext4 as a filesystem and select erase to fully overwrite the usb stick - as a side effect your USB stick is checked for defective storage cells. Then export / import the application again.

Thanks for reporting this. I’m looking into fixing the first bug you ran into. I’m not sure the cause of the second one (“File header size …”).

I have done some more investigation. It seems that the second error was caused by a too small USB stick. I was using a 2GB stick. There were no indications that the stick was full when VLC was copied to it, just that strange error when trying to install from it. I tried several 2GB sticks all with the same symptoms. Moving to a 4GB stick or larger solved the problem.

Thanks to egrath for providing the solution to the first problem so I could find the workaround for the second.


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