Can't get off the setting up your computer screen

I have windows 10 64bit I installed endless and the computer boots to endless but does nothing else. Can’t get off the setting up your computer screen. Any help would be appreciated

How far do you get? Can you click the blue Next button? If you try to select a different language, what happens?

I can’t click anything. It just stays on the setting up computer page.

I cannot click anything. it stays on the setting up your computer screen

By “setting up your computer screen”, do you mean the very first screen that asks you to choose your language?

If you’re stuck there this could be one of two things:

  • A bug in the first boot screen
  • Your keyboard & mouse not working with Endless OS

If you move your mouse, does the cursor move? If you press the “Tab” key on your keyboard, does focus (the grey dotted border) move around between the buttons?

Can you tell us a bit more about your computer, keyboard & mouse? Are they USB? Bluetooth?

The mouse doesn’t move. Whatever key I hit nothing happens. I see the
desktop and the gray box I can’t do anything

I have Windows 10 64bit and my computer will boot to endless os but that’s all it does. I cannot do anything else. I can’t move mouse, type, or anything. Any help would be appriciated

Again: can you tell us a bit more about your computer, keyboard & mouse? Is it a desktop or laptop? Are your keyboard and mouse built-in, USB, Bluetooth, …?

Do you get the “GRUB” menu that allows you to choose between Windows and Endless OS when you first turn on your computer? If so, can you select Windows to boot into Windows?

If you do not get that menu, try entering your computer’s firmware setup page (press F2, F12 or Del immediately after turning the computer on – the key is different on every computer, unfortunately) and looking for a “boot menu” option. With luck you’ll find a Windows Boot Manager entry there that you can use to get back into Windows.

I have a Surface Pro 4. The mouse is built in the keyboard. When I turn
on computer I have a choice to select Windows or Endless. When I select
Endless the computer boots to Endless and nothing else can be done. I see
the endless desktop with the gray menu box that says setting up you
computer. I see my cursor inside the box but I cannot move cursor.

Wait for the set up. It will take a while in the initial set up. After set up you will see the the endless icon on the bottom left hand corner and click on it and you can customize your Endless. If improved give me a reply at

Thanks, this is interesting information. @Nick_Richards discovered that other Linux distributions also have trouble with the typing cover for Surface Pro 4 out of the box (here’s one example for Debian). So I’m afraid you won’t be able to run Endless OS on your SP4 right now. I hope this will improve in future versions but can’t give any schedule.