Q: I am trying to run an installation CD for a WiFi USB adapter
And when I insert the CD, it gives me this message and it does not run the CD so I can install the files:
“Sorry, you can’t run autostart.exe on Endless.
You can install applications from our App Center”
Can you direct me which APP do I need to run the CD?
Thank you.
Please attach the eos-diagnostic log file for any Endless OS problems, and a screenshot or camera image of the error message itself.
To generate an eos-diagnostic file:
Open the application called ‘Terminal’. You can search for it by typing into the search bar on the desktop.
In the Terminal, type the command: eos-diagnostics
The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze it and seek a possible solution
You can’t. Autostart.exe is a Windows executable and won’t run on any Linux out of the Box. Additionally, it’s not of any help, as the drivers on the CD are for Windows only, Linux uses a entirely different architecture and drivers are not compatible between these.
Does the Wifi Adapter work after plugging it in? If so, you don’t need the CD. If not, which brand/model do you have? Can you please provide a eos-diagnostics log with: