Chrome does not open

What should I do next? The error is still there…

Now that eos-fix-ostree-repo has run, run again:

sudo ostree admin upgrade

and reboot. Verify your version now.

It is possibile to solve? :frowning:
My version is still 3.3.15

It’s s a little bit like hit and miss…


sudo flatpak repair
flatpak uninstall --unused -y

Then, try applying the fetched updates again:

sudo ostree admin upgrade

Next attempt:

sudo ostree fsck --all --add-tombstones

Does it fix any commits? If yes, please try running

sudo ostree admin upgrade


Option unknow

What else can be done?

eos-fix-ostree-repo.txt (15.2 KB)
I found this…

You already ran that earlier without any success - currently i don’t know any further :frowning:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal
  2. In this application run the command:
rm -f eos-update-flatpak-repos
wget --quiet
chmod +x eos-update-flatpak-repos
sudo ./eos-update-flatpak-repos
flatpak install flathub org.libreoffice.LibreOffice -y
flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
  1. Now try the operating system upgrade again and go to Endless OS 3.9.1

Can you please run:

ostree refs | while read ref
    ostree log ${ref} 2>&1 | tee -a commits.txt

This will generate a file called commits.txt in your Home directory. Please upload this file here in this Thread.

commits.txt (43.6 KB)

OK, thanks for the file. It seems that the commit in question (which causes the error) is no longer referenced, so please run:

sudo ostree prune

Please post the output of the command and verify if you are able to update now.

This is the post. But I must reboot after? If I search update from settings, from details, there is no update availble.

No, a reboot is not necessary. But the command didn’t found any unreferenced objects… so unfortunately my knowledge is exhausted in your case. If you don’t mind reinstalling a fresh copy of 3.9.1, i would go that way - make sure to back up all necessary data from your home directory first.

Download location for 3.9.1:

To reinstall, you need to write it to a USB device - insert a spare one, then:

sudo blkid

This will give you a list of storage devices in your computer. The USB-Stick most probably will be /dev/sdb if no other storage device is plugged in. Now run:

sudo umount /dev/sdb*
sudo dd if=~/Downloads/eos-eos3.9-amd64-amd64.201207-161902.base.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=16384 conv=sync,noerror status=progress

when the commands have finished, start your computer from the USB-stick and install 3.9.1.

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