Boa tarde Sr(a)s,
Sou novo aqui e gostaria de saber como instalo o banco de dados Mysql e Postgre
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Boa tarde Sr(a)s,
Sou novo aqui e gostaria de saber como instalo o banco de dados Mysql e Postgre
Agradeço desde já a atenção
We are going to use a Docker Image for MariaDB (the MySQL Fork) as this is the most simple and straightforward process
podman pull
podman run --name mariadb-server -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mariadb -d
podman ps
This should yield “UP” as the status for the container if everything worked.
You are now able to connect to the server from the outside via any tool that suits your need like “Sequeler”. If you prefer the command line, you can also use:
podman exec -it mariadb-server mysql --user=root --password=mariadb
Stop with:
podman stop mariadb-server
Start with:
podman start mariadb-server
thanks ! Shalom
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