wjt@camille:~$ eos-add-to-desktop --help
eos-add-to-desktop appid
appid = application id (where desktop file is named appid.desktop)
It’s unclear from your post whether you named the file rationalplan-single.desktop or rationalplan.desktop but you need to run eos-add-to-desktop with the correct name (and the correct case), so one or other of the following:
$ desktop-file-validate rationalplan.desktop
rationalplan.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated
rationalplan.desktop: warning: value "Application;Office;ProjectManagement;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated value "Application"
Is rationalplan.desktop in the output of ls -l ~/.local/share/applications
Does /sysroot/home/khairul/.local/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/rationalplan-single.png exist? (You may also be able to just write Icon=rationalplan-single.)
Is /sysroot/home/khairul/Downloads/RationalPlanS-5.3.7811/RationalPlan/RationalPlan.sh executable? (ie, you can run it with just that path in a terminal, not with bash /sysroot/home/khairul/Downloads/RationalPlanS-5.3.7811/RationalPlan/RationalPlan.sh)
Does “RationalPlan” show up in desktop search results? (It’s the same database.)
Does your eos-add-to-desktop invocation exactly match the basename, without .desktop extension, of the name of the file in ~/.local/share/applications?
$ /sysroot/home/khairul/Downloads/RationalPlanS-5.3.7811/RationalPlan/RationalPlan.sh
Error: Could not find or load main class com.sbs.jpm.Main
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sbs.jpm.Main
but can be run via ./RationalPlan.sh in that folder.