Cum putem rula Zoom pe endless os. e inutil ca sistem de operare

cum putem rula Zoom pe Endless os, exista vreo posibilitate de utilizare a sistemului de operare pt aplicatii de scoala sau folosim windows?

Zoom is available in the App Center

Am instalat zoom, dar intampin probleme dupa conectare, gen nu vad doar pe cel care conduce cursul si arareori mai apare si unul dintre colegi

Can you please try if the problem is fixed in the latest Beta version of Zoom. Open a Terminal and execute the following commands:

flatpak uninstall -y us.zoom.Zoom
sudo flatpak remote-add flathub-beta
flatpak update --appstream -y
flatpak install -y flathub-beta us.zoom.Zoom

This will uninstall your current Zoom, add the Beta Flathub channel and install the Beta version.

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