Did not work on Asus Veriton X4650G System.
Your soonest help is appreciated because I have to install EOS in a School Library with 12 computers that have the same systems.
Did not work on Asus Veriton X4650G System.
Your soonest help is appreciated because I have to install EOS in a School Library with 12 computers that have the same systems.
Please show a photo of the Security tab
Please read again this page https://support.endlessm.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002335646-After-installing-Endless-OS-the-GRUB-menu-does-not-appear-and-it-starts-directly-in-Windows and follow it carefully.
Particularly where you have to install a supervisor password, and then you will be able to “Select a UEFI file as trusted for executing”.
[quote=“Daniel, post:5, topic:8773”]
“Select a UEFI file as trusted for executing”.
No such option appeared after I installed a supervisor password. I was not able to take a photo of the screen but I’ll go back there next week.
Confirmed on Veriton Z4660G, I can’t find any way to enroll a custom boot option from the BIOS menus like we had documented before. I think this means that we can’t support dual boot on these systems, at least until we test and document a more intrusive workaround.