Dual Boot Problem

Did not work on Asus Veriton X4650G System.

Your soonest help is appreciated because I have to install EOS in a School Library with 12 computers that have the same systems.

No option to add Endless OS

I added Endless OS but automatically disabled and hidden after restart.

Please show a photo of the Security tab

Security Tab

Please read again this page https://support.endlessm.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002335646-After-installing-Endless-OS-the-GRUB-menu-does-not-appear-and-it-starts-directly-in-Windows and follow it carefully.
Particularly where you have to install a supervisor password, and then you will be able to “Select a UEFI file as trusted for executing”.

[quote=“Daniel, post:5, topic:8773”]
“Select a UEFI file as trusted for executing”.

No such option appeared after I installed a supervisor password. I was not able to take a photo of the screen but I’ll go back there next week.

Confirmed on Veriton Z4660G, I can’t find any way to enroll a custom boot option from the BIOS menus like we had documented before. I think this means that we can’t support dual boot on these systems, at least until we test and document a more intrusive workaround.

I tried removing windows boot in easyuefi and only endless os remaining. Endless os became available on bios boot but not windows. Dual boot is now available and EOS boots normally but when windows is selected this came up: