I would like to pick up on some topics and if possible, I would appreciate it if you answer me in general
First question
In addition to the objective that the endless foundation, what is the objective more in the visual or practical context of the direction that the endless will take?
The other issue is related to gnome 40, what will this imply?Are you going to make endless Shell look like gnome or are you going to stay the same?
Many have asked for dark mode with the official theme of endless, is this expected to come in the future?
In relation to the wayland, is there any solution in question to Nvidia’s drivers?
As always nobody on the team is obliged to say but it would be good for you to be more comprehensive
As for GNOME 4
With the current EOS, it’s almost vanilla GNOME enhanced with a few Extensions, which make up the different look (similar to the approach Ubuntu or Mint uses)
I really hope that Endless keeps their UI Look and Feel, it simply works as people expect it to work from what i get feedback from my local community.
As for the Dark Theme
Endless OS already uses just plain Adwaita as shipped with the current Gnome used, so it’s already possible, but not through the GUI. Run the following command:
Now, all applications which support it are using the dark Adwaita variant.
As for the NVIDIA part
This will IMHO depend on success of the upstream developers. NVIDIA is completely doing their own thing with their proprietary drivers (as opposed to Intel and AMD) and is simply lacking the mechanics to support Wayland currently. However, there are initiatives to somehow make Wayland run on Top of their drivers with all the benefits like real good performance: https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/Wayland/NVIDIA
Thanks for reaching out! Here is a quick response at least…
Endless OS Foundation has many initiatives being executed with partners, such as Endless Key for wide access to knowlege offline, microfinancing to avoid the PC ownership cost barrier, educational content solutions, etc.
But I think you’re asking more in terms of what you see as someone tech-minded, involved in the Endless community, downloading Endless for personal use?
The items that spring to mind are:
We’re engaging Kolibri as our educational content solution, we aim to have the best OS-integrated Kolibri experience you can get. There will be a wider selection of content available, easier to access, with all of Kolibri’s neat functionality behind it.
We’ve been heavily involved in GNOME 40’s user experience research efforts in order to make the GNOME desktop have a superior user experience for all GNOME users. The outcomes here are still being finalised, we will have an update on how this affects Endless OS early next year.
We’re looking to simplify the way our underlying distro is built, by aligning closely with Debian.
We’re looking to open up - releasing our build tools, opening up more communication, etc. Seeking more transparency with partners, and enabling more community involvement and ownership, and encouraging wider adoption of our work in any applicable context. For example we recently made Hack open source and moved our online support content to a wiki where we’ll grant edit access to any recognised community members who are interested.
We’re edging forward towards a Wayland migration, the blocking issues are gradually being resolved, so that may also happen next year in some form. Hopefully there will be some solution for NVIDIA users, but we don’t plan to invest resources in that area specifically. We will soon release some ARM platform images that do already run Wayland out of the box.