Endless OS 3.3.0 beta 1: The program center has repeated application

Bug Report

Hardware: Notebook Asus X451C
OS Version: 3.3.0
Locale: Brasil

== Description: ==

Descrição: The program center has repeated application, has application that can not install, can not update some apps

== Steps to Reproduce: ==
Passos para reproduzir:

== Expected Results: ==

Resultados esperados:

== Actual Results: ==

Resultados reais: ==

== Logs: ==
eos-diagnostic-171005_133624_UTC-0300.txt (954,0 KB)

Run eos-diagnostics to generate a log file in your Home directory. Attach that file here.

== Screenshots: ==
= Capturas de tela: ==

You can the PrtSc on your keyboard to take screenshots, or open the Screenshot app to take them, then attach them here

@LeandroStanger That is because you have manually added a bunch of flatpak repos (possibly by downloading and installing .flatpak or .flatpakref files):

= Flatpak remotes =
flathub                                  Flathub                                    https://flathub.org/repo/                              1        user               
gnome-nightly                            -                                          http://sdk.gnome.org/nightly/repo                      1        user               
qupzilla                                 -                                          https://qupzilla.com/flatpak/repo/                     1        user               
sweethome-repo2                          -                                          file:///sysroot/home/leandrostanger/repo               1        user,no-gpg-verify 
org.pitivi.Pitivi-origin                 Pitivi                                     http://flatpak.pitivi.org/                             0        user,no-enumerate  
eos-apps                                 Endless Applications                       https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-apps            1        system             
eos-runtimes                             Endless OS and Runtimes                    https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-amd64           1        system             
eos-sdk                                  Endless Apps Runtimes                      https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-sdk             1        system             
flathub                                  Flathub                                    http://flathub.org/repo/                               1        system             
flathub_1                                Central repository of Flatpak applications https://flathub.org/repo/                              1        system             
gnome                                    Gnome Stable Runtimes                      http://sdk.gnome.org/repo/                             1        system             
gnome-1                                  Gnome Stable Runtimes                      https://sdk.gnome.org/repo/                            1        system             
gnome-apps                               Gnome Stable Applications                  http://sdk.gnome.org/repo-apps/                        1        system             
gnome-nightly                            GNOME Nightly Runtime                      https://sdk.gnome.org/nightly/repo/                    1        system             
kderuntime                               KDE Runtimes                               http://distribute.kde.org/flatpak-testing/             1        system             
com.uploadedlobster.peek-origin          Peek                                       http://flatpak.uploadedlobster.com                     0        system,no-enumerate
org.gnome.Builder-origin                 GNOME Builder                              https://sdk.gnome.org/nightly/repo-apps/               0        system,no-enumerate
org.gnome.Recipes-origin                 GNOME Recipes                              https://matthiasclasen.github.io/recipes-releases/repo 0        system,no-enumerate
org.mozilla.FirefoxNightly-1-origin      Firefox Nightly                            https://firefox-flatpak.mojefedora.cz/repo/            0        system,no-enumerate
org.mozilla.FirefoxNightly-2-origin      Firefox Nightly                            https://firefox-flatpak.mojefedora.cz/repo/            0        system,no-enumerate
org.mozilla.FirefoxNightly-3-origin      Firefox Nightly                            https://firefox-flatpak.mojefedora.cz/repo/            0        system,no-enumerate
org.mozilla.FirefoxNightly-origin        Firefox Nightly                            https://firefox-flatpak.mojefedora.cz/repo/            0        system,no-enumerate
org.musicbrainz.Picard-origin            Flatpaks by Bochecha                       https://www.daitauha.fr/static/flatpak/repo-apps/      0        system,no-enumerate
org.telegram.TelegramDesktopDevel-origin Telegram                                   https://jgrulich.fedorapeople.org/telegram/repo/       0        system,no-enumerate
org.telegram.desktop-1-origin            Telegram                                   https://jgrulich.fedorapeople.org/telegram/repo/       0        system,no-enumerate

Here are the repos that we officially support:

= Flatpak remotes =
eos-apps        Endless Applications      https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-apps        1        system            
eos-runtimes    Endless OS and Runtimes   https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-amd64       1        system            
eos-sdk         Endless Apps Runtimes     https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-sdk         1        system            
flathub         Flathub                   https://flathub.org/repo/                          1        system            
gnome           Gnome Stable Runtimes     http://sdk.gnome.org/repo/                         1        system            
gnome-apps      Gnome Stable Applications http://sdk.gnome.org/repo-apps/                    1        system            

Of course, you are welcome to try any others that you like, but if you have multiple repos that provide the same app, they will show as duplicates. And, if there are problems with specific repos other than those that we suggest, you would have to work with the upstream maintainers of those repos. I see that some of the repos you have are for “nightly” builds, which tend to be unstable and more subject to breakage.

If you are having problems updating apps in any of our supported repos, you may need to work around an ostree concurrency bug as described on https://community.endlessos.com/t/unable-to-update-install-anything/3794/46.

I can not install some applications

eos-diagnostic-171009_124500_UTC-0300.txt (493,3 KB)

Ah! That 0AD bug I believe is an upstream Flathub issue. I know that @ramcq was working there to try and get that fixed.

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gave this photo bug

eos-diagnostic-171009_132104_UTC-0300.txt (317,6 KB)