Endless OS installer showing a error message

I have a single operating system windows 10, you can view the printscreen on this link.

But Endless installer shows error message. attach this error message.

Please Help me.

This is probably a known issue – can you attach the EndlessInstaller[date].log file? You should be able to find it in the same folder as the endless-installer.exe you downloaded.

I describe the known issue in this post: https://community.endlessm.com/t/something-went-wrong-setting-up-endless-os/213/19

Here is the log file attached with that.EndlessInstaller20170308_21_27_09.log (35.7 KB)

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Yes, unfortunately this is a known issue and I don’t know a workaround.

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Probably can this help you: (Step 1)

Actually, this known issue was fixed months ago.