Hello every one, am INIFIE JONAH MARTINS from BAYELSA STATE IN NIGERIA. I am pleased to be part of this wonderful humanitarian forum, i come across the ENDLESS COMPUTER on CGTN. During the interview session with mike Walter on FULL FRAME this evening at local time 1130pm. My goals is to make sure people in my society benefit from this ENDLESS COMPUTER PROGRAM. Please send me full details of your product video, audio and prints copes to inform people in the locality and also be a distributor of this product in my community,primary schools, secondary, and university. the community need this easy computers.
Hi Inifie!
I’m glad that you’re excited about Endless, we are too! You can download the latest release here: https://endlessos.com/download/
Use the “Download from Linux or Mac” section of that page to get an ISO file using Bittorrent, this is the one you can use to install Endless on other computers. If you don’t want to use the Bittorrent downloader, you can get the ISO files directly from the bottom of this page: https://support.endlessm.com/hc/en-us/articles/209063006-Where-can-I-download-the-Endless-OS-ISO-image-files-directly-
With the ISO written to a USB stick, you can either install it on other computers, or run it “live” from the USB itself to let people try it without making any changes to their computer. Instructions for writing the ISO file to a USB stick are here: https://support.endlessm.com/hc/en-us/articles/212053683-How-do-I-create-a-USB-stick-from-an-image-file-I-have-already-downloaded-
You are free to share the Endless ISO itself with anybody you want, or install it on as many computers as you like. We have an open redistribution policy that covers these use cases:
And lastly, please come back here and share with us what you do with Endless! We all enjoy seeing our work benefiting people all over the world, and you will inspire others to follow you in helping their own communities.
aloha @inifie !
Last fall, I started looking at a endless OS fan site on @ecosia; and found effectively very little.
My interest in your community-note read well, however in respect to your country of nigeria, after much searching; I failed to find a domain-registra for your g.tld ?
Then again, perhaps I am over-loading you with queries, but perhaps you can tell me how ( to find the appropriate non-US registra ) ?
Thats all I have to add, but I would like to keep the conversation goin’ with our african cousins,