Hello, Im new to Endless. After first install on a dual boot Win10, everything went smooth for installation. I reebooted computer and it started with grub, giving me option to install MS and Endless with (unavailable) If I hit MS Windows, it goes direct to Win10 no problem, but if I hit Endless it tells me the following: Endless OS is unavailable whilst windows is hibernated" asking me to select windows and shut down or reboot to use Endless.
I rebooted so Win is not in hibernation mode. Any help is much appreciated.
Im sure it must be a stupid little thing, so thanks in advance!
Sounds like Windows is using Quick Start, which I thought the Endless Installer disabled.
In any event to disable this Windows feature, open the Power Setting control panel (the old control panel, not the new Windows 10 energy settings. In the top text of the panel you will find some blue text that says something along the lines of “show settings not visible”, when you click the text more options with check boxes will appear at the bottom of the control panel. The one marked “Allow for quick start” (or something very similar) will probably be checked and if it is checked uncheck the option.
You can shut down Windows 10 at that point and the option to start Endless should now work.
Went ahead and tried the installer on a new folder as to avoid mistakes, but got exactly the same end result. The grub page says Endless is unavailable and the reason is hybernation. However when I look at the Win10 parameters, it says its off.
Can you try opening an administrator command prompt in Windows and run:
powercfg.exe /hibernate off
Our bootloader detects a hibernated (or HiberBoot/Quick Start-ed shutdown, which is actually hibernation) system by looking at hiberfil.sys in your C: drive. But we’ve found that this check (inherited from ntfs-3g upstream) sometimes false-positives: this file starts with the four bytes HIBR even though the system isn’t hibernated.
We’ve found that the tickybox in Control Panel doesn’t delete the hiberfil.sys so if it happens to still look hibernate-ish, you’ll hit this problem. But, anecdotally, disabling hibernation with powercfg wipes hiberfil.sys more firmly so might fix your problem.
If this works for you, can you try the following:
Re-enable hibernation in Control Panel
Shut down, and try booting Endless OS. Does it still work?
Start Windows
Hibernate Windows
Start Windows, and shut it down
Try booting Endless OS again. Does it still work, after a hibernate/resume cycle?
We don’t want to have to disable hibernation in Windows for all users – it’s valuable to not lose your work when your battery runs out… – so we’re looking into other mechanisms to detect hibernated systems.
(If you’re interested in why we need to detect hibernated systems at all: Endless OS is stored in your Windows partition. If Windows is hibernated, the filesystem may be in an inconsistent state, so it’s not safe for Endless OS to write to it.)
I’ve been with the same problem or similar and have done the powercfg.exe / hibernate off command suggested by the “wjt” companion in PowerShell as an administrator and enabled the hibernate on the control panel as suggested in step 1. Then I rebooted the PC and everything ran normally as before. Now I am again with dualboot between Endless OS and Windows 10.