Error trying to update: ''

Hi i have just install Endless OS full version, I updated by Terminal and got this message. Seems like it’s not fully installed. Can you please help me. I am new to Linux.

From version 3.0 on, Endless OS uses Flatpak, a new app distribution system for Linux

Hi @Chandrakant_Kapadia, apt-get is not the correct way to update Endless OS - you should use the App Center to update the Flatpak apps, and you can manually update the OS using the button in the Details panel under the control center.

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Thanks, Robert for your help.

I am a student and my project requires me to have an oracle VirtualBox installed.

***My workaround***I tried installing Ubuntu on Genome Boxes and it worked perfectly well but this invariably means i installed a virtual machine on another virtual machine. Then another problem started *

Problem Statement
Whenever i tried bringing up the Oracle Virtualbox it keeps bringing an error that V-tx is not enabled on my pc. I ensured that it is enabled both on my Host BIOs and on the Virtualbox. >Error: VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX) in Virtualbox

Is there no way to have Oracle VM as we have Genome boxes? Cant i download Oracle VM on my PC directlty?
I really need to have oracle virtualbox installed on my PC