Estou tendo probremas na instalação do endless

Estou iniciando o instalador pelo windows 10, porém, próximo do final, a instalação está dando um erro.
Segue o Log do instalador.

EndlessInstaller20210531_13_38_00.log (163,6,KB)

TL;DR: Enter the BIOS on your device and disable UEFI Booting capability (switch to Legacy only)

This is a log standing issue caused by a bad combination of system setup in Windows 10 on your device. It’s capable of booting a UEFI capable Operating System like Windows 10 or Linux distributions from the last few years, but actually has Windows installed by the Vendor in Legacy Mode (aka “BIOS Mode”). The Installer detects that your device is capable of UEFI and decides that that’s the way to go (which is the case in 99% of the installations).

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Tem vídeo no Youtube no canal do EndlessOS mesmo, foi por lá que eu consegui instalar no note da minha mãe

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