After installation of Endless os, i found no app can be updated or installed even google Chrome.
It has for a whole day. What happen and what’s wrong?
After installation of Endless os, i found no app can be updated or installed even google Chrome.
It has for a whole day. What happen and what’s wrong?
Hi, can you please try to update the flatpaks from the command line. Open a Terminal and type:
flatpak update --appstream -y; flatpak update -y
This will update all installed applications and also the metadata of available applications in the Appcenter.
Please let us know if the solution provided by Egrath worked?
The Appcenter has checked the number of Apps to update and the available apps for installing. I do pushed installing Chrome but the status of the progress has held on “installing” for hours.
「Egon via Endless Community」在 2020年4月27日 週一,上午12:23 寫道:
killall gnome-software
flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
eos-updater-ctl update
flatpak uninstall -y --unused
「Byron Díaz via Endless Community」在 2020年4月27日 週一,上午12:49 寫道:
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