Firefox Installation Error: Error pulling from repo

Error pulling from repo: While puling runtime/com.endless.Platform/x86_64/eos3.2 from remote eos-runtimes: Writing content object: Corrupted file object;

It then goes on to list two different checksums.

eos-diagnostic-190614_164511_UTC-0400.txt (582.7 KB)

Same here with a fresh 3.6.0 install:

flatpak update --appstream --assumeyes
flatpak install --assumeyes org.mozilla.Firefox

results in:

Error: Error pulling from repo: While pulling runtime/com.endlessm.Platform/x86_64/eos3.2 from remote eos-runtimes: Writing content object: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='2ef872d31294f2cc27c4eddbcfb71dac6a36436ab028bf9ca73babcd00d00d5f' actual='179f48bc210c2184f65c1a6e5cc7052c6b2aebf27413fced43f2e9b98e744fd0'
error: Failed to install com.endlessm.Platform: Error pulling from repo: While pulling runtime/com.endlessm.Platform/x86_64/eos3.2 from remote eos-runtimes: Writing content object: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='2ef872d31294f2cc27c4eddbcfb71dac6a36436ab028bf9ca73babcd00d00d5f' actual='179f48bc210c2184f65c1a6e5cc7052c6b2aebf27413fced43f2e9b98e744fd0'

@wjt: Problem on Endless’s side?

Thanks – we’re aware of this but I thought the fix had been released. I’ll look into it.

In the meantime you can work around this by installing the runtime as root:

pkexec flatpak install eos-runtimes runtime/com.endlessm.Platform/x86_64/eos3.2

Error: Error pulling from repo: Refspec ‘eos-apps:app/org.mozilla.Firefox/x86_64/eos3’ not found
error: Failed to install org.mozilla.Firefox: Error pulling from repo: Refspec ‘eos-apps:app/org.mozilla.Firefox/x86_64/eos3’ not found

pkexec flatpak install eos-runtimes runtime/com.endlessm.Platform/x86_64/eos3.2
Looking for matches…
Skipping: com.endlessm.Platform/x86_64/eos3.2 is already installed please

eos-diagnostic-190628_171712_UTC 0200.txt (2,1 Mo)

This is not an error, as such.

I can’t reproduce this locally – the ref is in the repo & I can install it. Please run:

flatpak install --verbose eos-apps org.mozilla.Firefox

It says that it is already installed…


Error: Error pulling from repo: While pulling app/org.mozilla.Firefox/x86_64/eos3 from remote eos-apps: Writing content object: Corrupted file object; checksum expected=‘858198e119764658a555fc4d12fdef6bd76f4a9a682f708743339c9e1587b7bc’ actual=‘03c37bd0b94aad3efb503afaca7ec820d95290ec4237c32623e8821db079b59a’

new trial for : flatpak install --verbose eos-apps org.mozilla.Firefox

Error: Refspec ‘eos-apps:app/org.mozilla.Firefox/x86_64/eos3’ not found
error: Failed to install org.mozilla.Firefox: Refspec ‘eos-apps:app/org.mozilla.Firefox/x86_64/eos3’ not found

I have reinstalled endless os version 3.58.
It was possible to install Firefox

after i have upgrade endless os to 3.6
firefox was working.

i have removes firefox
tried to re install Firefox, error

go to 3.58 EOS, install firefox was ok.

OK, I can see this error, too:

Error: Error pulling from repo: While pulling app/org.mozilla.Firefox/x86_64/eos3 from remote eos-apps: Writing content object: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='858198e119764658a555fc4d12fdef6bd76f4a9a682f708743339c9e1587b7bc' actual='03c37bd0b94aad3efb503afaca7ec820d95290ec4237c32623e8821db079b59a'
error: Failed to install org.mozilla.Firefox: Error pulling from repo: While pulling app/org.mozilla.Firefox/x86_64/eos3 from remote eos-apps: Writing content object: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='858198e119764658a555fc4d12fdef6bd76f4a9a682f708743339c9e1587b7bc' actual='03c37bd0b94aad3efb503afaca7ec820d95290ec4237c32623e8821db079b59a'

A workaround for this issue is to install Firefox with the following command:

pkexec flatpak install eos-apps org.mozilla.Firefox

We’re working on putting a newer version of Firefox into the app center anyway – and it would resolve this issue. I don’t have a timeline for this yet.

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Firefox 68 is now available in the app center, and the problem above has been resolved.

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